Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Sisco family is getting bigger and BETTER!

lance's little brother got married last week! we were able to fly to Amarillo for the day and be there for all of it!
here is a family picture prewedding....

lance and i waiting for the wedding to begin. it took place in at the beautiful botanical gardens.
here are hannah and kent exchanging vows in front of the waterfall while mason (her 3 1/2 year old son) waits very patiently! don't tell them, but he stole the show.... sooo cute! the wedding was so simple and just perfect.
the garden was perfect for all the pictures afterward. don't they make a great family! we're soo happy for them!
the happy, and might i add... adorable couple!
allie and caleb's newest cousin.... mason! i hope he teaches them how to stand still and smile for pictures!
congrats to the newest siscos... we are looking forward to having LOTS of crazy family moments and building a lifetime of memories with you!


  1. I love your short hair! Super cute!

  2. Wow! Now there's THREE........ Mrs. Siscos, that is....They DO make a beautiful family of three, don't they?
    Dad & I were so happy that you and Lance were able to make it to Amarillo for Kent & Hannah's wedding. What a fun day!
    We were especially touched by hearing the cute/sad story of Allie Grace wanting to attend Uncle Kent's wedding by way of the four pennies that she found....all so she would have enough to buy her a plane ticket like Mommys and Daddys. It broke Grammie's heart....but it is a PRICELESS memory that I'll always remember of Kent's wedding day! Love you all!


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