Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"hey little lady"

that was what my grandfather, or "Paw Paw," was known for saying to us girls. i guess with four children, six grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren it was hard to remember names!

he passed away on sunday evening, but to a secure place at the feet of Jesus, his new found savior as of this year! Thank you LORD!

the kids and i were able to visit with him just three weeks ago and enjoyed our time very much. he was amazed at caleb's ability to put everything on his plate in his mouth at one time and allie kept him on the toes by moving from one place to another the entire time.
we will be celebrating Joe P. Cain's life on Thursday morning at 11 in houston. He will be buried sometime next week. please join us in lifting up his wife Merlene, or "Gran" as we call her, as she puts her husband to rest!


  1. We're so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. May God's love, grace and happy memories of your Grandfather carry you through this sorrowful time. We love you, Mom & Dad Sisco

  2. I'm sorry too. Will pray. I remember you talking about him coming to the Lord when we were in Bible study last spring and it brought tears to my eyes then and now. What a sweet, sweet story.


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