Monday, June 30, 2014

Our little slugger

baseball is lance's very favorite sport... making it really fun to watch this kid get better and better.

I lost track of how many home-runs he got this season!

such a cutie!!
 they were trying to have "tough" faces!  HA!
 his team came in second in the league and got a trophy... he was super proud and so are we!
We love to watch our boys excel at things, but we have an even bigger hope that they will honor God with their lives on and off the field!

Monday, June 23, 2014


 It almost seems unfair that I can not possible retell every story, memory, feeling, and experience from Haiti.  It isn't even possible to sum it up in a few short sentences, but I hope that these pictures will give you a small window into our time there.  They are some of my favorite moments...

Lance teaching while his words were translated for the children encircling him.

having tired bodies, but full hearts at our return to the mission each night AND the realization that even a coke is gift worth celebrating!

Being in homes of people who have nothing and are grateful for everything

Linking arms with these incredible people and learning all that God wanted to show us.

experiencing the food and culture of another country

loving on and being loved by the people of Haiti.  Isn't this little nugget adorable???  oh, how i miss this face!!

learning the difference between necessity and comfort.

meeting men that are champions for Jesus in Haiti!  Join me in prayer for these three amazing men!
 I honestly couldn't go back soon enough!!  I'm anxious to get back there and maybe take a sisco kid with me too!

Saturday, June 7, 2014


This party gets bigger every year and I LOVE it!  Everyone wants to celebrate the end of a great school year and even more so... say hello to an incredible summer.
I supply the ice cream and water... they supply their own water guns and towels!  An hour of absolute mania!!  It is one of my favorite traditions!