Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Well,  it has been a sad state of affairs in the blogging world lately!  I've really let months pass without any updates and that is just not cool!

We were super proud that A chose to play soccer this year.  She has only done dance and ballet and this was her first go at a team sport.  She did well and her coaches tell us that if she can have a little more self control with her motion that she'll excel.  She already has the drive and determination... now we need the accuracy!

Here are some pics of her season on the STARS!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Last Preformance in Bible Study

 If you know number three at all, this post doesn't take much explanation...

he was doing motions and singing!!

I cried a little

and prayed that this one little glimpse into his heart would turn into a young man that loves Jesus and others with ALL that he is!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We are headed to Haiti!!!

Over the past year Lance and I have been pouring into and loving on five newly married couples.  We have discussed communication, conflict, and finances every other week for 13 months.  As the year continued, we realized there was no better time to take a discipleship trip than NOW! They are young, childless, have double incomes and this trip would be a great bonding experience! It’s for this reason that we wanted to encourage them in this direction and join them in it as well.  We were so pleased to learn that all five couples were on board with this trip!

That being said, God has opened the door for us to go on a short-term discipleship trip to Haiti with Watermark Community Church in June. We will team up with Mission of Hope-Haiti.  The purpose of the trip is to build relationships through serving the people of Haiti and sharing the gospel with Haitians who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

We would love to ask for your help in two ways.  First, please, please, please join our prayer team!  There is no way any of this can happen or make a difference without the LORD first going before us and working through us while we are there.

Second, we would treasure your support financially.  Our portion of the trip costs $3,000 and it is due by May 15th.  If you feel led to give in this way, click HERE to give online using your checking information.  If you choose this option, please send me an email that you gave online so I can keep track of the funds.  You will need to create an account (this just allows the system to gather your information for sending you tax receipts later). 

We are truly excited about this opportunity. If you would like to learn more about all that Mission of Hope is doing to care for the people of Haiti, please visit  Thank you for considering partnering with us in this endeavor.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Art Show

        We were really excited to learn that Allie had two pieces go to the Art Exhibit year!

Her super fun tabby cat and...

a pinch pot.  This one was really special because it had Caleb's name on it because she made it for him.  Super Sweet!!