Tuesday, March 18, 2014

36? WOW!

My family always makes me feel sooo loved on my birthday!  
Lance is usually whipping up something sooo yummy and this year was no different!  He also got us tickets to see Wicked and we've been waiting for a long time to catch that one!  I'm excited to go.  Love this group and wouldn't want to spend my birthday with anyone else!  It was awesome!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Time to prep for Easter!

Don't panic!  
It's not THAT close, but if you want to be intentional with your Easter traditions the time to start thinking about it is now.  Planning today  means low stress, more fun, and (let's be real) maybe we'll actually DO IT!!! 

Sooo... Here's a round up of somethings you might want to do.  Just pick one and have fun.  Doing all of them will leave nothing new for next year and make your neighbor feel like you have it all together... and who wants to give that impression.  We're all a beautiful mess!  Embrace it!

This one is a great one for our little preschoolers!  For those of you that have done it before... this one is a bit different.  Rather than tell the entire Easter story, it unwraps many of Jesus' teachings and then encourages your child to act on what they've learn.  New twist on an old tradition!  Love it!  You just need an egg carton and 12 little trinkets (most that you can find around your house).  She uses stories that you can find in most Children's Bibles and I think it is a win!

My kids have enjoyed this from age 3 and up through the years!  This one involves salt, flour, and some pipe cleaners.  All things you can grab at the dollar store!  Holla!!  We enjoy making it before Palm Sunday so that the kids can read and act out each part of the Easter Story in real time as much as we can determine! 

Hey!  That's all right!  Let them dye Easter eggs all day and stir up great discussion.  Here are some ideas to get you started!

This is a tradition that can turn a snack time into something meaningful.  All you need is a can of biscuit dough, marshmallows, cinnamon, and sugar!  Grab those things and chat about Jesus death and Resurrection!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Griff's Turn to Celebrate

This sweet boy has his own friends and knew just who he wanted to celebrate with!

He's totally into rescue bots right now...

these two are his partners in crime... two friends that he talks about EVERY DAY!

And here is two more little buddies that he adores!

we got these five together and put a little bounce house in the front yard... the most laid back, chill birthday!  it was perfect!

He loved his cake and his friends and all the fun!

grammie and poppy came and snuggled up close and loved him to pieces too!

it was such a fun day of celebrating the littlest cutie in the family!