Tuesday, July 31, 2012


our week at pine cove camps was steeped in fun and intentional time as a couple and family.  i'm going to try to only hit the highlights, but it will probably take several posts! 

we were so blessed to have this opportunity!
we gathered theme night clothes, painted the car, and hit the road to tyler!

this little guy was grateful for a short car ride.

in our excitement, we were a little early so we stopped at DQ for a sweet treat!

riley stood out of the sun roof as we drove in

and allie actually hung out the window (she usually sits on the floor board so no one can see her).
the staff gave every car a rose and an IBC rootbeer as we pulled in. 

after the staff unloaded our entire car and carried every peice of lugage into our beautiful two story cabin... 

we were beat so we ate watermelon on the dock....

and went for a canoe ride.  ahhhhh! vacation!

at dinner a staffer poured our drinks, cut my kids' food, and held griffin for me after he finished eating.  i know what you're thinking... so much for a mom to do!!  ;)
lance was one of the participants chosen for the block stacking game (guys vs. girls).

bummer.... they fell on his turn!  priceless face! 
women! women!  women!

that evening we had family club, followed by snacks, and then off to bed.  
day one success!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


there are many things that were hard about the move to the dallas area.  however, there are many blessings that the Lord has choosen to reveal day by day.  my latest item of God-worthy praise is the proximity to one of my dearest friends, ashley cating.  

when we first met she was ashley spears... a recent highschool graduate and future baylor bear.  we were both working at pine cove, insecure, goofy, and if i am honest - pretty immature, but totally in love with Jesus and eager to serve.

have you ever had a friend like this? the kind of friend that the Lord just unexpectedly drops into your lap. you didn't know you needed them until you met them... they have the same heart beat, laugh at the same things, see the world through the same lenses.  you wonder how life was ever really complete before them because being together is just so fun and so perfect. well, that's my ashley. 

as this posts, she is preparing to move into an apartment about 15 minutes up the road.  she plans on living there until they find a house in this very area.  i have MANY friends- childhood, pine cove, college, and mommy phase friends (you know who you are) that i desperately wish lived within walking distance.  i wish we could drink a cup of coffee together on monday mornings, steal a dash of cinnamon when we're too lazy to head to the store, call on one another when migraines attack and reinforcements are needed.  man, oh man... if i could just create my own little community there are soo many of you that i would ask to move in.  

but i'm realizing this week that i am BEYOND blessed to have this kindred spirit just a stone's throw away.  it something i've always hoped for, but never thought could really happen.  i'm keeping open hands because i know that the LORD changes things how he wishes, but for today... i'm relishing in having this friend close.  this friend who has grown from that insecure 17 year old into a wise, life-giving woman who trusts her God, serves her husband, and trains her kiddos.  

ash,  here is to however long we get to live nearby and share life together in person!! i love you dearly and wouldn't be who i am today without YOU!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

grieving the blonde

i'm sure we look totally country in our little neck of the woods.  i still cut the boys' hair and, yes, to the humiliation of my husband, i do it on the front porch.  

about two years ago, we invested in this beauty from sam's club for $30.  i literally paid for itself three haircuts in.  

it's super easy to use and even has a color code system marked right on the clippers.
what's the point of this ridiculous post?  you'll have to look closely, but this is hair i cut off of caleb's hair... do you see, it.  i'm totally depressed because all over his head are strands of brown hair.

i mean what will i do when he isn't blonde anymore... 
look at this white head the last few years...

(that one was for you grammie)
just can't think of it, but it looks like in the next few years he'll join the rest of us brunettes and leave little g to hold down the blonde hair.  ;)

Sunday, July 22, 2012


this child has been the epetomie of good baby.  only, he's not a baby anymore.  :(

this was lance's view as he left for work one day.  he would get his hand through the fence to wave and say "byyyyyyeeee." 

then there is just being cute.

and so fun.  he giggles more than anyone else, but then again... we are a three ring circus... there is plenty to laugh about. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

summer list check

we are flying through our summer list and good thing because august is AROUND the corner!!

 splash park. check.

 riley still hasn't out grown his photo issues.  joy.

hmmm, stayed too long?

catapults. check. super easy.  

we used marshmallows so that we could have snack while we played.

 can you spot the marshmallow?

baked something.  check.  whoppie pies.

snow cones.  check.

letter scavenger hunt. check. idea here.

 what six year old chooses internet for the i sound? :) wow.  different times.

fort friday.  check

you know, i remember being terrified for summer with four kids home and no camp entertainment.  however, we've had soo much fun and i'm hoping that august goes more slowly... i will only have two of my kiddos home next year.  ahhh, i'll miss a and c soo much.  
time. slow. down!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

back to bville

our family headed north to visit grammie and poppy this weekend.  it's always a fun time of little sleep and lots of playing.

we practically went straight to the kiddie park upon arrival and spent two nights there! enjoy all the pics!

 this was griffin's first time to ride anything

i think he's going to be a politician because he waved at EVERYONE!!

"oh, yeah, i'm a big deal."

 this is little miss "can't be trusted" turning the barrels so fast that her mommy wanted to puke.  in her defense, she did not promise to take it easy on me when i offered to ride with her.

 saturday morning, the three girls headed off for some girl time... including a haircut.

 didn't it turn out cute??  i love it!
now back to the park.  this time lance's cousin stacey and her family joined us.  they had sooo much fun together.  i have soo many good memories with my cousins... i'm glad we did this!

time to head home...
it must have been fun because the boys all passed out! poor caleb - doesn't he look awful?  this was our third trip this summer with the stomach bug... he threw up about an hour before this pic was taken.
 we are now officially traveling with garbage bags, old towels, sanitary wipes, and breath mints.  haha!  no, but really!