Friday, December 30, 2011

christmas: part one

i didn't think i would have time to make gifts for the neighbors this year and i probably didn't have the time, but i made the time as a reprieve from packing.  i made honey butter again.  remember, my friend meaghan gave me the recipe years ago.... so yummy.  click HERE if you'd like to try it.

we celebrated a few days early because we were going to be traveling. we had just about nothing in our house except a modest tree, the stockings, and gifts.  it's amazing how fun simple can be!

scooters were the big thing this year!

riley loves anything that can fly!

can't believe what a sweet pic we got of him considering we later found out he had fever 
(joyful, joyful)

oh, yes!  and our little watcher was happy too! poor forth kiddo... each kid opened a gift for him and kind of tossed it at him.

caleb brought me my "stocking" from lance.  he had to get creative b/c i pinned griffen's to mine.  i know, i know... i didn't get the stocking finished in time.  but doesn't moving excuse me from things like that?? it will be done by next christmas (wink)!

allie wanted to give her daddy a gift.  she found a cute square box, decorated it up, and gave him an apple!  so sweet!

we also got to open a gift that she brought from school.  she did such a great job keeping it a secret...
it was a clay pot that she made in art class!  LOVE IT! (just ignore the mom look here... it's early!)

this is one of those priceless sibling pictures that they all laugh at later and hate to let any friends see.  i asked each of them to get their favorite gift for a pic... (wow, caleb, orange soccer socks and dallas cowboy crocs - but the scooter was his favorite thing).
shortly after cleaning up, we hoped in the van and headed to b'ville... 
part two coming soon!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

one word

this is my last post for awhile.  
we are loading uhaul #2 tomorrow and headed to dallas.  
wish us luck.  
we'll be staying in a VERY generous family's back house until we find a house.

more when we get settled into, what i like to refer to, as our "urban loft!"

Friday, December 23, 2011

lance's launch

pine cove hosted a launch party in honor of lance and another fellow employee that is moving on.  i love the idea of launching their staff into something else for the LORD'S kingdom.

it was done in true pine cove game style.  there was lots of games and TONS of yelling (all in good fun of course).

pine cove has left permanent impressions on every inch of our hearts. our relationship started here, our parenting started here, our biggest heart aches and proudest moments have happened with these people by our side.

there are almost a dozen full time staff that started as Ranch camp staffers so it was particularly hard to know that we won't be here to walk along side them any longer.  it is our hope that they know our deep, deep love for them.  here are some of those sweet faces.

lance's camp name is silly puddy.  
in this one they said, "make a puddy face!"

this is the team that lance had to say goodbye to.  stud men of God... they will go on to do extraordinary things for the sake of Christ.

taylor jervis (on the far right) will be missed just as much!

and here is his bride, lacey... i wanted more time with this sweet girl! we'll have to be long distant friends for now!!

just some of the ranch girls... sigh!  love these relationships!

jenny... there are NO words... i'm tearing up just typing.  
it has been an absolute pleasure to walk through life with you!

and steph, who hosted this event in her home.  what a privilege to know you as more than just my husband's bosses wife.  friend, confidant, wise counsel, fellow mother... I LOVE YOU!

oh, pc, how we will miss so much - 
but we will remember and step faithfully into our next chapter of life. 
i trust that the LORD has good things in store!

a mommy pic

mommies are rarely in pictures so the other day i asked lance to take one of griffin and i and he actually smiled!
:) sigh

Thursday, December 22, 2011

allie's last day of school

our sweet angel had to say goodbye to her friends, teacher, and school last week.
Luckily, it was polar express day (so they wore their pjs) and the christmas party so there were a few distractions.

they had yummy cupcakes and cookies.  they traded books and recycled, handmade gifts.  it was adorable!

i've taught kinder before, but i didn't realize until this year the impact that a teacher actually has on a life.  i've watched as the amazing woman impacted our little girl in such a huge way in just five short months!  that is alot of influence and i'm grateful that mrs. martin has high expectations and LOTS of love for these little girls and guys.

allie begged to have pics of the whole class... here is her first little group of buddies

and now the real personalities come out... ha!
we will miss owens!  
"be your best! do your best! act your best!"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

gingerbread fortress

during winterfest this past weekend, the kids joined the campers and staff during their gingerbread house decorating contest.

we did alot of licking our fingers...

and in the end, we had to make a fortress b/c we ran out of graham crackers (that's what happens when the engineer of the family is not there for the construction portion... ha)

but they did get really creative:
can you spy the jolly rancher mailbox?
what about the lollipop trampoline?

and the peppermint pathways?

they had so much fun and the quote of the evening from allie was "we get to stay up late like big people!"

and did they ever... they fell into bed at 9:30 with no arguments!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

a late fall in tyler

makes for a BEAUTIFUL december!

honey butter

i got an awesome recipe/idea from my friend meg years ago and i get asked to make it often.  here is a sight with the recipe.  enjoy.

Monday, December 19, 2011

we may be packing...

but there is ALWAYS time to make and decorate christmas cookies!

i was really chill this year and just let them go nuts... 

these are caleb's

and these are riley's (i added a few things to his after he said he was "done")

he was pretty proud of his masterpieces

caleb just wanted to finish so he could eat!

and riley kept yelling, "TWO GUYS!  NO SHIRTS!"

our friend, maddie, got to come over and help out... 
she was allie's partner in cookie crime!  :)

and now, the mixer, pans, and much much more are sitting in a storage unit in richardson, tx. 
so long baking... see ya in a few months!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Glitter and Garland

my friend (and now partner), kara and i were vendors at the church's glitter and garland event this month.  
we gave free samples of some of our cupcakes

and sold christmas cookies

we were so excited to sell out before the event ended.  next year we'll have to bake more!

we also had a great find of our own... one of the other vendors were selling these TWO cute aprons.  ummmm, yes please!!!  the two chicks just had to have two matching aprons!

elf on the shelf

we love to pretend with elf on the shelf... 

nothing more to it other than we hide him different places each morning and the kids love to find him.

he has been a little more naughty this year due to my addiction to pintrest!

he hung up underwear and took their stockings down.

alllie lost another tooth (that's number 3) and elf stole her dollar.

she found a note from him saying that if she found him she could have her dollar back.

he got all the christmas books down and read his own story.

he poured sugar on the table and had a good time....

he hung out with mary, joseph, and baby jesus

and, most recently, wrapped our christmas tree.