Monday, October 26, 2009

block party

our church began having a fall block party in a public park last year. it is an excellent way to rub elbows with people who might not normally come through church doors. there is food, music, games, and of course CANDY!!! we prayerfully went hoping that we would get to speak into someone's life.

here is our little monkey!

allie and caleb looked so cute in their football and cheerleader outfits!
it wouldn't have been complete without more junk food to cap our night off. yes, we fed our kids cotton candy at 8pm!
but, before you judge... look what we ate!!! HA!
best funnel cake and chili cheese fries we've had in a while!

although we didn't get to have any super deep conversations with strangers, we hope that we blessed people at our face painting booth with smiles and joy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

a home divided!

today our school spirit was soaring high because baylor and oklahoma state played one another. as you can see the house was divided unevenly! but i have to say that, although they are wearing OSU, they cheered endlessly for the bears! HA! i think they were confused!

lance and i tried to watch the game with all three kids running around the room.

the kids are always excited to put on their orange. they know it makes their daddy proud. (fyi: you'll see these outfits again for halloween.)

Friday, October 23, 2009

dressin' it up!

you know... three kids in four years is a little crazy. things are just beginning to slow down and i'm feeling the need to work on dressing up my home. i found this table at a barn sale for $15 and the stools went with another table we had.

they just needed a little love. i sanded it, painted it light pink, spray painted it hot pink, and sanded the edges. now it is perfect for under allie's loft bed! she loves to have tea parties at the pink table!

Monday, October 19, 2009


that i'm keepin' it easy:

1. we are taking time make silly faces and laugh!
2. my hall closet looks like a bomb went off (organizing tips on a future post!)
3. yes, i seriously let my kids go in public looking like this!
leave me a comment of inspiration letting me know how you're keepin' it easy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

perfect day for pickin'

This is one of my favorite family traditions!! i love visiting the pumpkin patch.... here is a list of the days activities: rode the tractor train, fed the catfish, played on the playground, took the hayride, found a pumpkin, played duck races, cried all the way to the car!

didn't they take such a great picture!!! and yes, karen, i'll make you a copy! :)
it was no surprise which trains they picked!
isn't that adorable?
riley just loves to stand up these days!
best friends... those are their words!
this one is a framer!
riley was such a trooper, but when we got in the car it was lights out for him!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

sweet memories

we had the chance to visit Gran (my mom's mother) this weekend! it had been far to long since we were there last... just before my pawpaw past away, in fact. we missed him terribly, but it was so good to see gran and crazy aunt robin was there too!
we got in all the snuggles we could, played endlessly, and had lunch. thanks for the great visit gran! we love you LOTS!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i want to burst into song...

do you remember the song "what a mighty good man?" check out my mantel! the picture does not do the roses justice (i don't know what is wrong w/ our camera?) and the card is probably the sweetest one lance has given me since we have gotten married.... very, very thoughtful!

and.. the kicker.... it was filled w/ cash to get a new oven!! hallelujah! have you seen my oven? i'll have to show you a picture some time. it is off by 75 degrees, over cooks the bottom, and doesn't cook the top! hahaha! it is time. i just had to share my surprise and let everyone know that my husband is amazing!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

i'm so proud!

most of you will just see a stick figure... and that's fine, but for the teacher in me, this is GREAT! when i taught kindergarten, one of my favorite things was to watch the development of young minds. now i get to watch it in my own kiddos. allie use to just draw the head w/ a mouth and eyes. lately, she has been adding legs, arms, hair, and a nose! as her brain develops even further she will start to add hands, feet, clothes, and other details! i smiled so big when i saw this today! my little girl is growing all the time!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

new title

you may, or may not, have noticed that i changed the title of our blog. i've been wanting to change it for awhile and have been thinking through some options. since having riley in february, i adopted a new philosophy that i TRY to hold myself to.... "anything goes!" however, after meditating on that phrase i realized that anything doesn't go in our home. we hold our children accountable for things and expect them to be responsible members of our home and community. the Lord has expectations for each of our lives and presses our hearts on issues that need changing. so rather than adopting that motto i decided to go with "keep it easy!"

this life is too short to stress over keeping the sand in the sandbox. it is too precious to argue with a 3 year old about wearing her tutu to the store. life happens so quickly and i want to soak it in... every bit of diaper changing, giggles, playing trucks, doing dishes, splashing in the tub, folding clothes, kissing ouchies... all of it! i don't want to miss a thing!

i hereby declare, on this sunday, october 4th that the sisco family from this day forth will KEEP IT EASY!